Benefits of the National IH Collectors Club

The IH Collectors Club was organized in July, 1990. Currently, there are over 7000 members, from 49 states and several other countries. There are 35 active chapters sanctioned to promote local involvement, with interest in chapters continually expanding.
Membership Information:
IH Collectors-Membership Dept.
c/o Lisa Merkle
P.O. Box 179
Middle Point, OH 45863
[email protected]
All checks to the “National International Harvester Collectors Club” are to be made payable to “IHC, Inc.”
The Purpose of the club is to establish the International Harvester Collectors as an identity to which collectors of IH products can relate: promote IH collecting, restoration and show displays through communication among members; help preserve, research and complete the history of the IH company; aid shows who feature IH with a file of member’s show pieces; hold a large annual show (Red Power Round Up) featuring IH at a different host location each year.
Club Member Benefits
Members receive a quarterly publication, Harvester Highlights, which provides information on club business; reports from various committees; upcoming show listings; news from chapters; feature stories, restoration information and limited free publication of wanted and for sale ads. Insurance is provided for members at club sanctioned shows. Besides the annual summer show, there is a Winter Convention with banquet for members. An all IH auction supported by chapters in a different state each year. The club also supports displays at local farm shows. All members receive a subscription to Harvester Highlights with their membership.
Purpose & Benefit of Chapters
The chapters organize local interest, hold annual chapter shows, work together to provide locations for the Red Power Round Up, Winter Conventions, and Auction, provide local newsletters, hold meetings with family involvement, promote IH collecting, restoration and show displays, and support the national organization.
Dues for the yearly national membership are $20.00. Chapter dues vary by state. Canada and overseas dues are $30.00 US and MUST have U.S. Funds on Check or Money Orders. The club membership address is on the application.