Technical Committee Volunteers Needed
Recently, the National Directors decided to establish standing committees who would be available to answer questions for our members. Specifically, Technical Committee members would be available as a contact person(s), and would attempt to assist other club members with questions or problems they may experience while working on a piece of equipment. Committee members would only attempt to provide club members with possible solutions to problems the member may be experiencing with a piece of equipment.

Committee members would not provide any type of appraisal or valuation information. It is the hope of the National Directors that committees comprised of members who have knowledge and experience working on various tractors, trucks, equipment or any other related IH items, and willing to share that information with other members, can be formed over the next year. The list of Technical Committee members would be published in “Harvester Highlights” on a periodic basis. These committees will require a significant number of members, and it is hoped that many members will consider volunteering. Anyone interested in serving on a Technical Committee is asked to contact any of the National Directors and provide their name and contact information, along with a list of the model(s) of equipment on which they would be willing to provide information.
Dan Agee (MO)
Trucks – KB through 1975
(417) 944-2085
Email: [email protected]
Paul Bell (KY)
Cub Cadets
(502) 491-8876
Nick Foster (IA)
Titan and Mogul Pre-1920
(515) 386-4883
Email: [email protected]
Jim Becker (TX)
Cubs-As & Bs
Email: [email protected]
Michael Bolton (IA)
(712) 659-2184
Email: [email protected]
Gary Beal
White Cubs & White C’s
(618) 266-7528
Email: [email protected]
Randy Patterson (MI)
Farmall A-B-BN; Balers 430-435-440-445
(269) 253-4221
David Kanten (MN)
IH Hydros
(507) 360-2364
Email: [email protected]
Jeffery Frankiewicz (CT)
Daisy Reaper/Grain Binders, etc.;
F-30, F-20, F-12, Titan 10-20
(860) 315-5143
Stan Lougheed (Canada)
Construction Equipment
(519) 922-2360
Michael Hart (UK)
British-made tractors, plows and implements
Kenneth Updike (WI)
IH Cub Cadet and IH tractor research
(608) 882-6253
(work phone) (855) 934-2388
Email: [email protected]
Gene Preston (NY)
Narrow frame Cub Cadets
B (585) 225-7218
Email: [email protected]
Marty Mersch (IL)
1923-1940 trucks
(773) 490-9747
Email: [email protected]
Walt Getka (WI)
MD-450 diesel engines and hydraulic systems – electrical and magnetos
(262) 763-6578
Dale Merkle (OH)
Cub Cadets and Kohler motors
(419) 968-2409
Email: [email protected]
Ralph L. Johnson (IL)
Small standard tractors. I-O-W and Fairway 12s and 14s
(815) 264-3615
Bion Schuring (MI)
Tractors and equipment built after 1940.
(269) 327-5434
Cell (269) 998-1699
Email: [email protected]
Kristin Gall (MO)
1206 Tractors, TX experimentals
(660) 486-3379
Email: [email protected]
Jim McGhee (WI)
IH Wrenches
8291 Hwy. 39
Hollandale, WI 53544
(608) 574-4607
Russ Hamm (KS)
Gear drive 15-30 and 22-36, Fairway regular, nd gear drive 10-20
(620) 628-4975
Email: [email protected]
Wendell Kelch
Pre 1920, especially 8-16 mogul and auto wagon/buggy
(513) 734-2501
Email: [email protected]
Bob Petersen (CA)
T-15s, T-20s, and Twenties
(831) 637-4267
Email: [email protected]
Brian Hoover (IN)
Gas-start Diesels, tractor electrical systems and magnetos
(574) 233-2671
Email: [email protected]
Cameron Lowe (Australia)
M Type engines
Phone: 0438665811
Email: [email protected]
Richard Wilkening (WI)
Trucks 1960 to present, gas and diesel
(262) 593-5969
, home
(262) 391-8518, cell
Email: [email protected]
Frank Lacey, Jr. (WI)
L, R, & S Series 100-180
(570) 729-7237
Email: [email protected]
Kevin Happke (MN)
Horse Drawn Equipment
Pre 1940 Machinery
(320) 468-6474
Email: [email protected]
Andrew Brown(UK)
IH tractors, particularly British-made Worldwide Series
07941 344105