Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Crops in Michigan are going to be put in late for sure. Some good news- cattle are belly deep in grass. We did get in a plow day and meeting on April 27, at the Jeff Lenhart farm at Dorr. Thanks for the ground to plow. About 19 members plowed around 80 acres on a real cold day. The ground plowed nice. Thanks to all who brought tractors. A free meal of hamburgers, hotdogs, salad, and cookies was furnished. Thanks to all who helped on such a cold day. We also held a short meeting. Randy and Carleen reported we came out alright money-wise on the winter convention. Thanks to all who attended and helped with the convention on such short notice.
Red Power, early this year, will be here before we know it on June 27-29 in Bloomsburg, PA. Hope to see you there. Our Michigan show will be September 20-22, and hosted by Farmers Antique Tractor and Engine Association in Adrian, MI (www.adrianfatea.org). Our summer meeting will be at the show. Our Fall meeting will be held on October 12 at the INA Store in Cadillac – a neat store. This should be a good meeting and we hope to see you there.
As I finish this, it’s still raining and I may have to take a boat to get to shows this summer. If I do, it will be a “RED boat.” A little late, but hope everyone had a good Memorial Day and gave thanks to all those, past and present, who have served this great country.For all the latest, visit us at michiganchapter11internationalhaevester.com.
–Bill Hinga, Reporter