As I’m writing my article, we are very busy putting the final touches on the upcoming Roundup, to make sure everyone has an enjoyable and memorable experience. Our chapter members and others put a lot of time and effort into putting on the best show for all of you. All we can ask for is nice weather. Our members are trying to get their crops planted in between all the rain. Haymaking isn’t going any better. With all the destruction all over the U.S., our hearts go out to those people that have lost everything from all the tornadoes and flooding.
By the time you read this, I hope those who came, enjoyed what our show had to offer. We put a lot of time into getting our IH Museum ready to welcome the many visitors that came through the doors. I hope you were one of them. You always meet the nicest people at these Roundups and carry their friendship with you for years. Thanks to all who provided your registration forms to us early. This really helped, and you gave you a nice computer-generated form to place on your tractor/equipment. A big THANK YOU to all the chapters represented. Some had long trips and others were very close. It’s nice to see other parts of the country. As I close, and it’s raining again. Thanks again for coming to our show in Bloomsburg.
PS: Darrell and Kevin Darst (Editor/Publisher of Harvester Highlights) has been kind enough to allow me to update our above article. Chapter 17 would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all that came to our show here in PA. We were overwhelmed by the response to the show. We received many positive comments. We had over 8,535 people come through our gates, 515 people who registered 587 tractors, 27 trucks, 32 Scouts, 221 Cub Cadets, 40 Hit & Miss engines, and 103 others. We had 28 chapters attend as well as the National Board, Harvester Heritage, and The Charitable Trust.
For many, the tour through our IH Prototype museum was the highlight of the Round-Up. Over 1,171 took the bus to the museum, in addition to those that drove to the building.
As I close again, THANK YOU to all those that attended the 2019 Red Power Round-Up.
–Shirley M Bordner, Treasurer