To kick off our 2019 season, over 60 members attended the 1st quarter meeting at the Central Kansas Flywheels Museum in Salina, KS. Our gracious hosts provided an excellent meal. We held our annual directors election and re-elected Bill Connelly, Layton Rhudy and Ron Schmitt. Officer positions remained unchanged with Larry Carr – President, Bill Connelly – Vice President and Ron Schmitt – Secretary. Jan Meyer was reappointed as Treasurer/Membership coordinator.
Chapter 3 concluded a very successful farm show season with excellent member participation in both the Salina and Great Bend Farm shows. Members provided excellent displays of IH tractors and memorabilia for show attendees to enjoy. Special thanks to the farm show sponsors for the opportunity to participate. Ticket sales were brisk for the chances to win the Super A fundraiser tractor at both shows.
Approximately 45 members and guests attended our second quarter meeting at Rex’s Antique Cars Museum in Mentor, KS, on June 1, 2019. Members toured Rex’s extensive collection of vintage and classic automobiles. Rex commented that he greatly enjoyed meeting the Chapter 3 members in attendance. Thank you Rex Russell and Thelma Woerz for hosting us.
Members are excited to be participating in the “Red Power on the High Plains – Farm with Farmalls” show which is being held in conjunction with the Tri-State Antique Engine & Threshers Show on July 25-27, 2019, at Bird City, KS. Our third quarter meeting will be held on the show grounds on Saturday, July 27.
On October 19, 2019, members Jim & Rheta Wagner will host our fourth quarter meeting in Easton, KS.
–Ron R. Schmitt, Secretary